After the events at The House of Many Faiths, Greemus went to meet with Lady Phaulkon about the crystals and the effects we believe are linked to them. It was during this time that Duelo and I went back to The Yawning Portal to inquire about this Kris Weatherly individual that we learned about. Duelo thought maybe Davil Starsong would have some insight through his connections across the city of Waterdeep. Sadly the lead turned out to be a dead end and we didn’t learn anything of use.
We met back up with Greemus back at Trollskull Manor and he told us all about his discussion with Lady Phaulkon. He said she was appreciative of the new information and the intact crystal sample, which she will have added to their analysis efforts. She promised to update us when they learn more or have any new leads to investigate. With the trail from The House of Many Faiths going cold there was not much more that we could do but get a good nights rest and set out in the morning to see what more we could learn.
That was the plan anyway; until the world outside Trollskull Manor was turned upside down. We had just woken up and were starting to formulate a plan for what to do next when the entire building was rocked by a massive explosion. In shock we all ran outside to see what had happened only to find piles of smoking rubble and dead bodies strewn around the street. Duelo saw the figure fleeing down the alley first but we all gave chase. Unfortunately they were just too fast for us and we lost them. We got back to Trollskull Manor just as the guards were arriving to sort out the chaos unfolding around us. One woman was going on and on about a “stringless puppet” that was responsible for the explosion. After talking to her and a little boy we managed to piece together that it may have been a construct similar to those in the Day of Wonders parades which is run by the House of Inspired Hands. Figuring we have no leads on Kris Weatherly and we won’t hear from Lady Phaulkon for probably a few days at least, we decide to look into this some more.
We had to ask around a little to learn where the House of Inspired Hands was located but it wasn’t hard to find. The building was full of all manner of mechanical creations and all around there were people at work tables tinkering away. We were greeted by Priestess Valetta and we explained what was happening and what we were looking for. After thinking a moment she brought us upstairs to a small room to meet one of her charges, Nim. However he’d locked the door and refused to let us in to talk. After a while of negotiating with Nim through the thick wooden door that suspiciously had no keyhole, Nim relented and let us in. According to Nim he had invented a construct that looked just like himself, which he called a Nimblewright, but he lost control of it and it had escaped about a month ago. Nim, feeling ashamed for the consequences of his actions, presented us with a small device that he said would help us find Nimblewright.
We took the device and began walking through Waterdeep trying to use it to get any idea where this construct might be. After a while of having the signal on the device becoming intense and fading away, we were led to an intense signal at the sprawling estate of the Gralhund Villa. It seemed Nimblewright might be inside the fortified home of this noble family.