After the events at The House of Many Faiths, Greemus went to meet with Lady Phaulkon about the crystals and the effects we believe are linked to them. It was during this time that Duelo and I went back to The Yawning Portal to inquire about this Kris Weatherly individual that we learned about. Duelo thought maybe Davil Starsong would have some insight through his connections across the city of Waterdeep. Sadly the lead turned out to be a dead end and we didn’t learn anything of use.
Entry 7: The House of Many Faiths
Once we had our fill of breakfast at the MacGregor Farmstead we headed back to Trollskull Manor where we would spend some time discussing how we wanted to go about fixing the place up and then contacted some workers to come out and start construction. We had noticed a bulletin board was erected along the street outside recently and we went to see if there was anything of interest posted. Among the various leaflets and posters there was a cryptic request seeking adventurers to help The House of Many Faiths to resolve an issue on the grounds. It wasn’t much but we thought it couldn’t hurt to stop in and see what it was about.
Entry 6: Trouble at the MacGregor Farmstead
As we all stood at the bar within Trollskull Manner enjoying some warm Sake, courtesy of Toshi, the topic of what to do next came up. It seems Greemus had taken the opportunity to go speak with representatives of the local druid order at a place called Phaulkonmere Villa and they had asked for his help investigating a disturbance happening each night around midnight at a farmstead not far from the city. With no other leads on jobs that might earn us some extra coin, we decided to head there tonight. Greemus begins to fill us in on what’s going on there and suddenly Melandran mentions she stayed at this farm just after arriving at Waterdeep. I couldn’t help but think of what a coincidence that was.
Entry 5: Trollskull Manor
In order to take ownership of the Trollskull Manor estate as equal owners, the city of Waterdeep required that we register as an adventuring group. However we never really discussed working together long term as we barely knew one another, but here we were agreeing to collectively own a large estate. I really hope this doesn’t turn out to be a huge mistake. We settled on a name for our little crew, The Favored Few, and registered ourselves as owners of the manor. After taking care of all the particulars we walked to our new property.
Entry 4: A stinky situation
Trudging through sewers was not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to go on an adventure. I can’t decide if it’s madness or brilliance to set up your base of operations in such a place. Obviously you won’t get many unwelcome visitors but you also have to deal with…this. Lucky for us the muck only lasted a short time before we turned down a corridor towards a cleaner and drier part of the underground tunnels. There was even a small tattered bedroom inset in the wall here. Maybe this was once a lookout’s post or something. Unfortunately it looked like it hadn’t seen use in a very long time and there wasn’t anything of value.
Entry 3: Finding Floon
After the events of the Yawning Portal and talking to Volo about his missing friend named Floon, everyone seemed to agree that if there was any hope of finding him we had to leave immediately. Duelo recommended we take something called a Dray, which I had never heard of. It’s a huge carriage pulled by a team of horses. You can even sit on top! This city will never cease to amaze me. Volo mentioned Floon was last seen at The Skewered Dragon, another tavern in the city but this one is definitely a little shady. It was a far cry from The Yawning Portal.
Entry 2: Into the Yawning Portal
Talk about hitting the ground running. After asking around a bit in Waterdeep I managed to find my way to the tavern called The Yawning Portal. It’s a huge place and more crowded than I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if this is normal for a place like this or if Volothe has me following some grand plan of his but when I entered the tavern, the serving girl Clarissa showed me right to a table with a bunch of other people. I was the youngest one there so I tried my best to seem more mature and collected than I really felt.
Entry 1: Off on an adventure
It was a long journey to Waterdeep. The road was long but I finally arrived to the destination that Volothe requested I depart for. To what end I do not know but he promised all would be revealed in time.
I guess I should back up though if I’m going to document this unusual journey. After the events with the mayor I continued to practice with the orb like Volothe explained, but it wasn’t long before he returned. He mentioned having big plans in mind for me but he was light on details. His only direction was to travel to Waterdeep.
Toby’s Backstory
Toby is a young man from a small farming town whose life changes suddenly after finding a mysterious object while walking through the forest near his home. This event sets him on a path toward becoming an adventurer, just like those featured in the books he loves so much.